About Me

Raised in Las Vegas, I discovered my connection with the outdoors once I moved to Cedar City for school. Growing up in a desert city, I buried my nose in books of mountains and forests and explorers of all kinds. I wanted to be Indiana Jones, Steve Erwin, and Jane Goodall. 
Dreams of adventure which I discovered I could actually fulfill and turn into a career. I switched my major to Outdoor Recreation in Parks and Tourism and never looked back. 
I am proud to brag I've never had a job that doesn't involve the outdoors, from Camp Counselor to Park Guide to REI Instructor, I work where I play.
 I love writing about the outdoors and through that also discovered a (casual) love for photography, which I enjoy sharing here!
I am now back in Vegas, and my home town has surprised me. Past all the neon, clubs, and tourist traps I've found plenty of wilderness and adventure. It's a bonus that you can always count on a beer waiting for you at home.
 See you on the trail!
"The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness." 
-John Muir


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